Dummy H1

Students walk by the University Union on N A U Flagstaff campus.

Current high school students and high school graduates with fewer than 12 college credits should apply as a first-year student.

You will be offered admission to Northern Arizona University if you have a 2.75 or higher core GPA (based on a 4.0 scale and calculated using only the 14 required core courses below).

You will be considered for NAU admission if you have a 2.5 core GPA and you have no more than one deficiency in any two areas of the required courses below. If you have a combination of a math and lab science deficiency, you are not admissible.

Course requirements for undergraduate admission

First-year applicants must satisfactorily complete the following Arizona Board of Regents coursework competencies:


Four years of high school English (composition/literacy-based)

OR meet one of the following:


Four years of high school math

OR meet one of the following:

Laboratory Science

Three years of high school laboratory science

OR meet one of the following:

Social Science

Meet one of the following from each section: